BOOTHWYN, Pa., Sept. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Custom America, Inc. has launched the new SANItize Box that will now be available to customers in North and South America. This product, first introduced in Europe in June 2020, is designed to help protect users against COVID-19, as well as other bacteria, fungus, mold, and other harmful microorganisms.

The SANItize Box is built to destroy viruses and other harmful microbes using the power of ozone gas. Ozone (O3) is a type of oxygen molecule created from three oxygen atoms. Ozone contains reactive “free radicals” that rapidly cause oxidation to microbes including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and more, destroying them quickly upon contact.
Developed in Italy, the SANItize Box by Custom uses the power of ozone to create an appliance that can quickly destroy viruses, mold, fungi, and bacteria from household items, as well as professional items.
This unit consists of a hermetically sealed container that contains an ozone generator. Items can be placed within the unit, and when the SANItize Box is cycled on, it begins generating and venting ozone into the container, sanitizing the contents inside. Running on a 20-minute cycle, the SANItize Box can quickly and safely disinfect a wide variety of items, with an ozone concentration exceeding 4 PPM (parts per million), and a maximum production rate of 800 mg/hr of ozone.
Ozone disinfection provides superior performance compared to other methods of disinfection, like UV disinfection units, with disinfecting power that penetrates into objects more deeply and effectively. Compared to UV units, the SANItize box has lower running costs, is extremely safe, and does not require maintenance or skilled personnel for operation.
Additionally, it can be used for items that cannot be safely sanitized in an autoclave, such as micro-cameras in the medical field, PIN pads and POS systems in retail, and other such items that cannot hold up to the heat and moisture of an autoclave.
“SANItize Box,” says Alberto Campanini, Custom’s CTO, “is a simple and effective solution that responds to a specific need but also to a new lifestyle that will see everyone involved in a new social model with strict safety and hygiene standards to better counter the risks from Coronavirus and possible return waves.”
The SANItize box is available in three different sizes: Small (300x200x120mm), Medium (430x300x250mm), and Large (600x400x400mm). Smaller boxes are appropriate for disinfecting phones and other small items, while the largest box can be used to disinfect tools, medical equipment, laptops, shoes, and other such items.
With its unparalleled ease of use, low maintenance and operation costs, and powerful ability to destroy COVID-19 as well as other viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold spores, the newly-released SANItize Box is an ideal solution for disinfecting items at home, as well as in commercial, medical, and industrial settings.
Those interested in learning more about SANItize Box and its availability in North and South America can visit for further details, or contact Custom America directly by phone at 855 287 8648.
Media Contact:
Corporate Communication Manager:
Karl Schoessler
SOURCE Custom America, Inc.